Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

Mortal Kombat Cheats

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Cheats
Tag: Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Cheats, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Cheat Codes, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Secrets
Platform: PlayStation 2

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Cheats
Pada menu utama, input berikut perintah untuk membuka kunci karakter dan modus dari awal.

Scorpion untuk membuka Story Mode ... Tahan L2 dan masukan SQUARE, UP, L1, R1, LEFT, RIGHT, SQUARE. Release L2 untuk menyelesaikan kode.

Membuka Sub Zero untuk Story Mode ... Tahan L2 dan masukan SQUARE, DOWN, UP, L1, L1, UP, SQUARE. Release L2 untuk menyelesaikan kode. Koreksi dari dvdknight

Unlock Classic MKII ... Tahan L2 dan masukan SQUARE, UP, DOWN, RIGHT, LEFT, R2, SQUARE. Release L2 untuk menyelesaikan kode. Koreksi dari dvdknight

Dikirimkan oleh BradyQuinn4Heisman
Diverifikasi oleh sng-ign

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Aktifkan Mortal Kombat II
Cari dan menghapus semua mini-misi yang dikeluarkan oleh TV.

# 1. Break Dinding Soul di kuburan untuk mengungkapkan rahasia kematian. Hal ini merupakan wilayah dengan sepatu berduri di plafon dan sekitar 6 Tarkata di dalam kamar. Anda dapat melihat dari jauh di samping ruang dan Anda perlu istirahat empat pusat bagian dinding.

# 2. Hancurkan patung Wu'Shui di akademi dan masukkan Warrior Shrine. The Warrior Shrine SANGAT adalah di mulai dari wilayah Wu'Shui.

# 3. Menawarkan 3 korban di dalam Kamar Korban Jiwa kuburan. Anda harus melewati ruangan yang tidak memiliki simbol merah atau hijau di atasnya, kemudian melakukan throws udara untuk mendapatkan Tarkatas ke dalam wilayah berduri.

# 4. Untuk membuka penguncian Portal, Portal menemukan semua Ungu dan melemparkan musuh ke masing-masing. Hanya ada 2 portal untuk melemparkan ke mobs. Salah satunya adalah di dekat Evil Monastery dan adalah satu di tingkat bawah di dekat tempat naik.

# 5. Untuk membuka penguncian Pit II, masukkan Portal dan bertahan di puncak beku. Setelah Anda masuk portal Anda hanya perlu terus membunuh the guys yang muncul sampai mengatakan Anda memenangkan. Kami menemukan bahwa mereka kegoncangan di bagian samping untuk membuktikan nampaknya cukup berguna dan kemudian hanya membunuh satu saat Anda harus mengisi ulang hidup Anda sedikit.

Dikirimkan oleh sub_zero_spectre

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Aktifkan Sub Zero
Setelah mengambil perahu naik darah di danau, maka VS. ikon di belakang patung singa melihat ke kiri (menghadapi pintu besar), hanya berjalan di sepanjang dinding dan ketika anda sampai ke akhir ganda melompat dan Anda.

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Aktifkan Scorpion
Dalam pengecoran mengikuti jalan ke kiri bawah yang menyimpan stasiun. Dua archers payudara akan melalui dinding. Melemparkan satu di tembok di sebelah kiri pintu dan jalan akan mengungkapkannya payudara buka rahasia kamar penuh dengan lahar dan ying yang pada langkan. Ambil salah satu archers dan melemparkan mereka dalam lahar. Kemudian ganda berbalik para penjaga kembali ke klaim yang ying yang Scorpion untuk VS.

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Aktifkan Reptile
Hutan hidup. Pergi ke bagian setelah Brotherhood Of Shadow. Langsung panjang di seluruh perbedaan dengan air terjun kecil. Melewati pintu. Kini, mendapatkan Clay Patung datang ke hidup. Menghancurkan perisai mereka. Anda hanya perlu 1 dari mereka. Kini, mendapatkan salah satu dari mereka lebih dekat Giant Stone Cloumn pada sisi lain dari sungai. It's the batu kolom kanan di dekat tempat Anda masukkan. Patung Clay yang melemparkan ke dalamnya! It should come crashing down. Sekarang, kembali ke tempat air terjun kecil itu. Tidak ada lagi air terjun. Hanya koin yang berisi Reptile.

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Aktifkan Johnny Cage
Di wu-shi akademi di mana semuanya sudah terbakar. Pergi ke bagian paling kanan dari pintu gerbang dan melompat ke atas atap rumah. Berjalan ke kanan dan melompat. Jika Anda lakukan dengan benar, anda akan pada platform baru dengan batu memblokir jalan.

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Aktifkan Kitana
Di arena tingkat MK2 (kanan sebelum portal dengan dua patung di depannya) di biara jahat, Anda akan melihat banyak pilar. Langsung salah satu dari mereka yang setengah rusak dan kemudian beralih ke dua atap. Anda akan menemukan rahasia di sana.

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Aktifkan Baraka
Jiwa dalam kubur portal, sampai ke tempat Anda telah naik ke dinding. Anda akan melihat 2 jalan. Satu lead kiri, kanan yang lain. Sebelah kanan jalan memiliki patung. Gunakan fist kemusnahan dan istirahat itu. Tetap terjadi dan menggunakan seluruh kemampuan lompat jauh kesenjangan dan Anda akan mendapatkan dia.

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Kung Lao Fatalities
Kemalangan 3: UP, UP, UP, RIGHT, QUICK
Kemalangan 4: UP, UP, UP, DOWN, QUICK
Kefatalan 7: UP, UP, LEFT, UP, QUICK
Kefatalan 8: UP, DOWN, UP, RIGHT, QUICK
Kefatalan 9: RIGHT, RIGHT, UP, UP, QUICK
Kebrutalan 1: LEFT, LEFT, UP, UP, POWER

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Liu-Kang Fatalities
Kemalangan 3: LEFT, UP, UP, RIGHT, QUICK
Kefatalan 7: LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, UP, QUICK
Kefatalan 8: RIGHT, UP, RIGHT, UP, QUICK
Mutality 1: UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, LAUNCH
Kebrutalan 1: RIGHT, UP, DOWN, DOWN, POWER

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Baraka Fatalities (VS Mode)

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Johnny Cage Fatalities (VS Mode)

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Reptile Fatalities (VS Mode)
Kemalangan 3: UP, UP, RIGHT, LEFT, QUICK

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Scorpion Fatalities
Fatality 1: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, QUICK

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Sub Zero Fatalities
Multality 1: UP, UP, DOWN, UP, LAUNCH
Kebrutalan 1: UP, DOWN, LEFT, UP, POWER

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Kitana Fatalities (VS Mode)

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Fight Kano
Penjara gelap bawah tanah di daerah sebelum Shao Khan dari takhta, Anda menghadapi Johnny Cage dan Kitana dalam sel mereka (yang menyimpan batu di dekatnya). Memilih untuk berbicara dengan tiga kali Kitana dan menghadapi dengan Kano akan terjadi.

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Fight Ermac
Setelah di dalam kuil warriors Anda akan melihat patung dari Mortal Kombat karakter. Berinteraksi dengan patung ninja paling kiri tiga kali untuk memerangi Ermac.

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Fight Mileena
Anda perlu naik ayun dan kemampuan untuk melakukan hal ini, pergi ke hutan yang hidup. pertama di daerah, dekat dengan menyimpan poin, ada dua cabang di dekat candi seperti hal. Ambil yang pertama dan beralih ke yang kedua dan langsung menuju candi. Anda akan ambil satu pohon yang berasal dari dan naik. Anda akan di daerah yang baru hanya dengan jalan jaged berbau corpses masked dan penjaga. pada akhir youll datang ke salah satu wilayah dengan portal ungu. Anda akan berjuang Millena dan dua penjaga masked.

Mortal Kombat: Shaolin rahib Petunjuk: Simpan Yer Kesehatan
Ketika seorang pemain menggunakan sebuah kuil menyimpan dalam permainan, ia regains bahagian of his lifebar apakah Anda benar-benar menyimpan atau tidak. Berulang kali atau tekan BLACK R2 berlutut ke kuil sebelum menyimpan sampai Anda satisified dengan lifebar.

Kamis, 12 Maret 2009

Downhill Domination

Unlock cheat mode:
Press Up, Triangle, Down, X, Left, Circle, Right, Square followed by one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Code effects only last for one race.
ptlr yiragu negnwre.

Adrenaline Boost:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Down, Left(2), Right during game play.

Always Stoked:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Down, Square(2), Left, Circle during game play

Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Down, Triangle, Square(2), Up during game play.

Combat Free:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Left, Square, Circle, Square, Left during game play.
Scotty Seymour.

Combat Upgrade:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Up, Down, Left(2), Right during game play.
KingKong420 and GaMiNgGuRu64.

Extra Smack Time:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Left, Right, Down(2) during game play.

Energy Restore:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Down, Right(2), Left(2) during game play.

Infinite Water Bottles:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Up, X, Left(2), Circle(2) during game play.

Mega Flip:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Right, Up(2), Right(2), Square during game play.

More Cash:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Right, Up(2), Circle(2), Square during game play
GaMiNgGuRu64 and KingKong420.

Speed Freak:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Down, Triangle, Right(2), Square during game play.

Stoke Trick Meter:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Down, Left(2), Right(2) during game play.

Super Bounce:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Left, Square, X, Up, Triangle during game play.

Super Bunny Hop:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Up, X, Left, Square, Up during game play.

Unlimited Energy:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Down, Triangle, Left(2), Square during game play.

Upgrade To Bottle:
Enable the "Unlock cheat mode" code followed by Up, Down, Left(2), Right(2) during game play.

Play as Brain Lopes:
Successfully complete a specialized mountain cross career under the hardcore difficulty setting.

Play as Eric Carter:
Successfully complete a specialized mountain cross career.

Play as Missy Glove:
Successfully complete a specialized technical downhill career.

Play as Richie Schley:
Successfully complete a specialized freeride career.

Play as Tara Lianes:
Successfully complete arcade mode.

Rider video clips:
Successfully complete a career mode event with a rider to unlock the corresponding video clip for that person. The video clip can be viewed from the options menu or by pressing Square after highlighting a rider at the character selection screen.

Hint: Mt. Konawaki: Shortcut:
Go to the waterfall and jump off. This will save you time and may get you ahead of the pack.

Hint: Unlimited money:
Select two player arcade mode. Finish the race with only one player and leave the other player at the start. Then, start hitting all the opponents that have already passed the line. Note: You cannot finish in first, as you will not be able to run around and hit the other racers.

Use the following trick for unlimited money, and to score the 60.000 points needed to unlock the Super Jump. Pick any course in the race series. Find a hill, go to the bottom, and turn around. Pedal a bit up the hill, and stoppie as much as desired. Note: If you do this, there is no way you will win the race.

Hint: Easy money:
When you are at the finish line of any race (it works better if you finish last), punch, kick, and hurt the people around you by any method. This should get you about $100 or more.

Hint: Restore energy:
if you are running out of energy and there are no jumps,.bunny hop while you are on the ground and press L1 to do a quick One Hander. This will refill your energy. Note: You may do other tricks, but some of them will get you less energy. For example, press L1 + R1 for the Superman.
Sidney Gilley.

Hint: Tricks:
Perform the following tricks while you are in the air. They can be Superstyled by pressing Triangle while performing the trick:

One Legger: Press R1.
One Hander: Press L1.
Saran Wrap: Press L2.
Can Can: Press R1 + R2.
Superman: Press R1 + L1.
Candy Bar: Press R1 + L2.
Nac Nac: Press R2 + L1.
Bar Kneel: Press R2 + L2.
Table Top: Press L1 + L2.
Switchblade: Press R1 + R2 + L1.
Indian Air: Press R1 + R2 + L2.
Cliff Hanger: Press R1 + L1 + L2.
Scissors: Press R2 + L1 + L2.
Mcmetz: Press R1 + R2 + L1 + L2.
No Footer: Press R1 + Triangle.
Barney: Press R2 + Triangle.
No Hander: Press L1 + Triangle.
Heel Clicker: Press L2 + Triangle.
Double Can Can: Press R1 + R2 + Triangle.
Bar Hop: Press R1 + L1 + Triangle.
Spread Eagle: Press R1 + L2 + Triangle.
Toboggan: Press R2 + L1 + Triangle.
Corcova: Press R2 + L2 + Triangle.
Look Down: Press L1 + L2 + Triangle.
Hart Attack: Press R1 + R2 + L1 + Triangle.
Whipped Cat Nac: Press R1 + R2 + L2 + Triangle.
Lazy Boy: Press R1 + L1 + L2 + Triangle.
Air Walk: Press R2 + L1 + L2 + Triangle.

The following tricks cannot be Superstyled:

Special Trick: Press R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 + Triangle when the trick meter is stroked.
Stoppie: Tap Up.
Manual: Tap Down.
Spin Left: Hold R2, press Right, then hold Left and release R2.
Spin Right: Hold R2, press Left, then hold Right and release R2.
Front Flip: Hold R2, press Down, then hold Up and release R2.
Back Flip: Hold R2, press Up, then hold Down and release R2.
Grind: Hop on to a handrail.

Glitch: Stick to checkpoint:
When you are near a checkpoint, jump at the blue top. You should stick to the side of it. When you are done, just hop off.
Cameron Walton.
Digimon World 4

Hint: Alphamon:
If you selected Agumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and clearing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done in Hard Mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Central Area. Clear the dungeon, and bring back the Sword Cannon Delta. This must be done in Hard Mode. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, clear Item Road after completing the game in Hard Mode.
and Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Agumon:
You can select Agumon at the beginning of the game; or when Guilmon reaches level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Agumon "Evolution Technique".
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Beezlemon X:
If you selected Agumon in the beginning, clear Item Road in Hard Mode after completing the game. If you chose Veemon or Guilmon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and clearing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done in Hard Mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, clear Item Road on Hard Mode after you complete the game and collect twenty items. Note: You may need to do this on all Item Road quests in Hard Mode.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Black War Greymon X:
Clear the "Wormhole" dungeon in Hard Mode.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Clavis Angemon:
If you selected Agumon in the beginning, clear the Undead Yard in Hard Mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates". If you chose Veemon in the beginning, clear Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and clear the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done in Hard Mode. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, clear Item Road after you complete the game, and collect twenty items there (may be optional).
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Dorumon:
You can select him at the beginning of the game; or when Agumon reaches level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Dorumon "Evolution Technique". Note: The above could be level 16; when you reach level 16, go to the DigiLab and see if you can "digivolve" yet.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Gallantmon Crimson Mode:
Go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest and bring back the Blast Gun Gamma. Do this in Very Hard Mode.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Guilmon:
You can select him at the beginning of the game; or when Veemon reaches Level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Guilmon "Evolution Technique".
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: HeruclesKabuterimon X:
If you selected Agumon in the beginning, then clear Item Road after you complete the game. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and clear the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done on Hard Mode. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, clear the Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, clear the Undead Yard on Hard Mode, killing all 302 enemies and have 10 minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates".
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Imperial Dramon Fighter Mode:
If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and clearing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done in Very Hard Mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination quest at the Shrine of Seals and sacrifice the "Defense ROM Delta". This must be done on Very Hard Mode.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Imperial Dramon Paladin Mode:
Clear the "Wormhole" dungeon on Very Hard Mode.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: MetalEtemon:
In the shopping area, give MetalEtemon donations. He can make some very strong items to help. Some items may require a level up.

Hint: Metal Garurumon X:
If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, go on the "Treasure Hunt" sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Central Area. Clear the dungeon, and bring back the Sword Cannon Delta. This must be done in Hard Mode. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, clear Item Road after you complete Hard Mode (do this on Hard Mode). If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and clearing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done in Hard Mode.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Susanoomon:
If you chose Agumon or Guilmon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination quest at the Shrine of Seals and sacrifice the "Defense ROM Delta". This must be done in Very Hard Mode. If you chose Veemon or Dorumon in the beginning, you can get him by going on the Booster Pack Collection sidequest set by the Digi-Elfs in the Terminal Area and clearing the dungeon with only 1 HP, without recovering your HP or using a Gate Disk. This must be done in Very Hard Mode.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Veemon:
You can choose him at the beginning of the game; or when Dorumon reaches Level 17, you can go to the DigiLab and teach him the Veemon "Evolution Technique".
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: War Greymon X:
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, clear Undead Yard in under 30 minutes and defeat all 279 enemies. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, clear the Undead Yard in Hard Mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates." If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, clear "Item Road" after completing the game. If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, go on the "Ghost Extermination" sidequest in the "Shrine of Seals" and clear the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. This must be done in Hard Mode.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Were Garurumon X:
If you chose Agumon in the beginning, go on the Ghost Extermination sidequest in the Shrine of Seals and clear the dungeon with more than ten minutes remaining. Do this in Hard Mode. If you chose Veemon in the beginning, clear Item Road after you complete the game. If you chose Guilmon in the beginning, clear the Undead Yard in Hard Mode, killing all 302 enemies and have ten minutes or more remaining. You also need to activate all the "Concealment Gates". -If you chose Dorumon in the beginning, clear Undead Yard, defeating all 279 enemies within thirty minutes.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Easy experience:
In single player mode, repeat the tutorial about fifteen times. Then, go to Death Valley. Next, follow a path and fight some Goburimon. Do not go across the bridge. Follow the path up and fight the Goburimon. They will give 10 experience points each. Break, then get the Gate Chip, use it, and repeat.
A Hansen.

Go to Death Valley, then to the fortress. When you are inside the guard room, defeat everyone for 32 experience points per kill. After all the doors open, go outside and enter the fortress again. This must be done two or three to reach the next level.

Go to the Dry Land train. If you are still at death valley, you can always train at the cliff where the second Blossemon is found.
kelvin koh jun ming.

Go to the fortress in Death Valley. Go though it completely five times then go sell the items you collected. Then, redo the fortress. This will result in easy experience and bits.
jonathan bailey.

You can tech up Healing and power up (anything that helps you) techniques by going to a yellow or purple healing cross. It starts off slowly teching up but then gets faster. For Bind, Sleep, Freeze, power down (anything that weakens enemies), gather up a lot of enemies and go to a higher ledge and keep using it. It will tech up fast. Use some MP disks for this. For Petty Ice, Fire, Bolt, Impact, you can do the same by gathering a lot of enemies but it is harder to tech them up.

Hint: Modes and MP Techniques:
The following can be done while playing in either a single player or multi-player game. However, for the mode to become unlocked in multi-player, you must switch your players to the first slot.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hard Mode: Complete Normal Mode once. This applies to the first player only. To unlock it for other players, switch them to the first slot.

Super Hard Mode: Complete Hard mode once. This applies to the first player only. To unlock it for other players, switch them to the first slot.

Fourth MP Move: Increase your Blast Technique to about 1,000.

Increase MP Power Moves: Keep repeating your MP Moves. Notice that the Tech Ups will increase about 300 tech points and you will level up your move from Petty to Magna.

Hint: Card list:

Page 1
Agumon, Agumon, Veemon
Veemon, Guilmon, Guilmon

Page 2
Dorumon, WarGraymon, WarGraymon
Alphamon, Beelzemon, Imperialdramon Paladin

Page 3
Imperialdramon Fighter, Black WarGraymon, Gallantmon
MetalGarurumon, Susanomon, Apokarimon

Page 4
MaloMyotismon, Lucemon, Goburimon
Kokaterimon, Numemon, Sukamon

Page 5
Ogremon, Blossomon, Mammothmon
Arukenimon, Tyrannomon, Mummymon

Page 6
Minotarumon, Pharaohmon, SkullGraymon
Scopiomon, Tortomon, Otamamon

Page 7
Gekomon, MarineOrrimon, ShoganGekamon
Diaboromon, LordKnightmon, Imperialdramon

Page 8
Infermon, Megadramon, Raremon
Leomon, MetalEtemon, Ophanimon

Page 9
Seraphimon, PrinceMamemon

Hint: Get desired card:
Check your Booster Packs at the Card Keeper. If you are not totally satisfied, just reload and there will randomly be new cards in your Booster Packs.

Hint: Undead Yard:
To unlock Undead Yard in hard mode, you need to get 5 Digivolve Tech. You can then go to this quest.
Koh Jun Ming.

Hint: Defeating Apokarimon:
First, destroy the five spike balls on the posts around him. avoiding the fire shots and wind blow. Whenever five flying things come to attack, just block. Do not try to jump on the area that he is on, as you will get shocked. After the spike balls are destroyed, he will shoot a purple attack that follows you. You must run around trying to hit him without getting hit. Magic and a gun weapon work well -- you do not have to walk up to him, but they do smaller damage. Physical attacks are more powerful, but you must risk getting close to him.

Hint: Defeating Mecha Rouge X:
To defeat Mecha Rouge X's first form, keep hitting him. After a few hits he will transport to one of the outside circles and summon three Mecha Rouges and a light will appear somewhere on the field. If the three Mecha Rouges get to the light, they will transform into copies of Mecha Rouge X with the same health, and it will take the same amount of time to defeat one of those as Mecha Rouge X. The easiest way to defeat Mecha Rouge X is to defeat only two copies. After that, weaken the third until you think he is defeated. Then, weaken the original to that point where it will require one hit to defeat him. Finish the last copy and defeat Mecha Rouge X's first form. You must now walk into the portal to fight Mecha Rouge X's second (cocoon) form. If done correctly, this form is very easy to defeat. Hit the bottom of him. After a few hits he will generate purple rings around where you hit him. Move to the edge of the level. If you touch the purple from the purple rings you will get poisoned. Two things will come out of Mecha Rouge X, and there will be spotlights from bottom of them. Do not get under them or you will be stuck in that location and they will send out two spinning tops and will damage you. Just keep hitting the spot when there are not purple rings. Hit him as much as possible or he will regain health. Once you defeat him, go in the portal and get ready for the final fight with Mecha Ultimate X. Just stay under him and keep attacking to win.

Hint: Unlimited Bits and items:
This trick requires your main Digimon as player one and any Digimon as player two. Give all your Bits to player two. Then, save player two at the Save Keeper. Next, have player two give all Bits to player one. After that, have player two quit the game at the Save Keeper, but this time without saving. Then, go to Call Keeper and have player two join in again with the same Digimon. Repeat this from the beginning until you have 9,999,999 bits, both in the bank and pocket. Note: You can also use this trick to duplicate items. This is very useful if you want to give some rare weapons and armor to a friend.

Hint: Easy Bits:
This trick requires some patience, but pays off big. When you get the Venom Forest Gate Link, use your strongest Digivolution to run through the first two main areas several times killing everyone that you can. During this time you can take all of the items you get when you fill up your Device Folder and sell them. In the third or fourth round, you should get a mystery item to be appraised. Note: This does not always happen, but when it does it is usually a rare item. Take these and save them in your bank to sell when you desperately need Bits. If done correctly, you should never have any reason to run out of Bits. This works best if you trade your Key Chains in every once in a while and also save those items.
jonathan bailey.

Note: This trick requires two Digimon. Transfer all your money to one of the Digimon. Save the game with that Digimon, but not the other. Then, you give all the items and save with that Digimon. Go to the main menu and load both Digimon. Both will have all of your money. This can be repeated as many times as desired until you have the maximum amount of money with you and in the bank.

Hint: Get 1 HP for side quests:
If you are trying to get a Digivolution by having to end a side quest with 1 HP remaining, go to the Goblin level (this stage is the easiest). Make sure you have a "ate Disc with you. Fight and go to the area after the rolling barrels. When you get there and see the area where you must jump from the rock things to get to the other side, fall. You will automatically be revived with 1 HP. Then, use the Gate Disc and return to the D.G.S. base. After your return with 1 HP, save the game. Next, go to the desired side quest that requires having 1 HP remaining to get the Digivolution. Note: While on the side quest, make sure you do not get hit by any enemies. This requires extreme practice and skill.

On Card Retrieve in hard mode, if you want to get the Digivolution by having to end that side quest with 1 HP remaining, use the following trick. At the end there is a sand trap that will suck you in if you get too close to it. First, destroy all the enemies that can get in your way. Next, jump into the sand trap. You will be revived with 1 HP remaining. Note: When facing the master of the side quest, try to use MP type attacks or a gun type weapon.

Hint: Easy tech ups:
After you have unlocked "Fortress" in Death Valley, whenever you need to equip a new weapon that is too high in tech points, just return to Fortress and fight up and down the tower multiple times. You will receive between 10 to 60 tech ups in one revolution.

Hint: Come back to life:
In co-op mode, you can come back to life by going to a different destination.
Kiydaar Baucom.

Glitch: Walk on water:
While riding the boat down the Numenume River, you may jump off it. It does not matter what weapon you have. Get near the edge of the boat. Whenever you get close to any part of land, do a charge attack. The screen should shake and then you should fly off the boat. You will be able to leave the boat behind and walk on water. Note: This will not work every time.
Arthur Sataine and Nekrataal.

Glitch: Blunt skill weapons:
The following weapons are not bash but blunt skill weapons: Dbl Axe, Rage Hammer, Hakatoncheir, Fang Smasher and Meteor Force.

Glitch: Misspelling:
Apokarimon is Apocalymon's Japanese spelling. It should have been translated correctly, and in the show it was Apocalymon.
Mike Teta.

Go to the Disk Shop and buy nine of an item. Try to buy another of that same item and it will say "if" instead of "is".
tru defiance.
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Special Edition

Cheat mode:
Hold R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 + (D-pad Up/Left) + (Left Analog-stick Down/Right) at the main menu. This will unlock all bonus modes, alternate costumes, and gallery entries.

Vergil story mode:
Have a saved game file from Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening on your memory card. Alternately, successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting.

Easy difficulty:
Intentionally fail a mission under the normal difficulty setting three to five times. A message will appear, stating that you have unlocked the easy difficulty level.

Alternately, successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting.
chance asue.

Hard difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting.

Very hard difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.

Bloody Palace mode:
Have a saved game file from Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening on your memory card. Alternately, successfully complete the game under any difficulty setting.

Dante Must Die Mode:
Successfully complete the game as Dante or Vergil under the hard difficulty setting.
chance asue.

Super Dante:
Successfully complete the game under the Dante Must Die difficulty setting to unlock Super Dante as a character. He has an unlimited Devil Trigger.

Super Vergil:
Successfully complete Bloody Palace mode to unlock Super Vergil as a character. He has an unlimited Devil Trigger.

Alternately complete all twenty missions in very hard mode as Vergil.

Coatless Vergil:
Complete Vergil story mode under the easy difficulty setting.

Sparda Costume (Vergil):
Successfully complete the game as Vergil under the hard difficulty setting to unlock a costume to make him appear as Sparda from the original Devil May Cry.
chance asue.

Alternate ending sequence:
Defeat at least 100 opponents as Dante during the ending credits.

Gallery items:
Complete the game on Easy or higher to unlock Gallery mode. Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding item in the Gallery.

Bonus Art 1: Complete the game under the easy difficulty.

Bonus Art 10: Get an "S" rank on all missions in Dante Must Die!.

Bonus Art 11: Get an "SS" rank on all missions in Easy.

Bonus Art 12: Get an "SS" rank on all missions in Normal.

Bonus Art 13: Get an "SS" rank on all missions in Hard.

Bonus Art 14: Get an "SS" rank on all missions in Very Hard.

Bonus Art 15: Get an "SS" rank on all missions in Dante Must Die!.

Bonus Art 2: Complete the game on Normal.

Bonus Art 3: Complete the game on Hard.

Bonus Art 4: Complete the game on Very Hard.

Bonus Art 5: Complete the game on Dante Must Die!.

Bonus Art 6: Obtain an "S" rank on all missions in Easy.

Bonus Art 7: Obtain an "S" rank on all missions in Normal.

Bonus Art 8: Obtain an "S" rank on all missions in Hard.

Bonus Art 9: Obtain an "S" rank on all missions in Very Hard.

Concept Art, E3 Promotional Video, Crazy Gameplay Video: Complete the game on Easy or Normal.

Event Promotional Video, Devil May Cry 3 Original Demo: Complete the game on Very Hard.

Hi-Res CG Art, Kazuma Kaneko's Illustrations, Motion Capture Video, Video Storyboard: Complete the game on Hard.

Hint: Mission number references:
During the introduction sequences to every mission, a number that corresponds to that mission can be found.

Mission 1: A big "1" on the pizza box.

Mission 2: A "2" on a billboard near the outside of Dante's shop.

Mission 3: Three enemies are burned by Lady's motorcycle and fall to make a "3".

Mission 4: There is a banner near where Vergil and Arkham are standing in the shape of a "4".

Mission 5: A bloodgoyle gets hit into a wall. The blood remaining on the wall is in the shape of a "5".

Mission 6: Lady blasts a rocket into the ground and the mark on the ground forms a "6".

Mission 7: After Lady shoots Dante in the head, he smears the blood on the wall. The blood runs into the shape of a "7".

Mission 8: When Dante gets up, goes near the pillar, and is about to jump off, you can see a faint shape of an "8" in the moon behind him.

Mission 9: One of Lady's spent shells falls on the ground. A "9" is on the bottom of the bullet.

Mission 10: When Vergil stabs Arkham the blood spatters Arkham's book in the form of a "10".

Mission 11: When Arkham disappears from where he was stabbed, the smeared blood leaves an "11" behind.

Mission 12: After Dante grabs the Haywire Neo-Generator, Jester escapes on something shaped like a "12".

Mission 13: Immediately after Vergil cuts his hand to make a sacrifice, the camera angle changes. While the angle is turning you can see a "13" carved into a pillar.

Mission 14: At the end of the intermission sequence, it shows an angle aiming down into the pit where Vergil fell. On the wall of the crevice is a carved "14".

Mission 15: After awhile after the intermission sequence starts, the camera will face a door with three symbols on it. Just to the right of it is a dried up plant. The branches are shaped into the number "15".

Mission 16: A little while after Dante starts changing between normal and demon forms he will take out his guns and shoot them at the same time. If you can spot it, the flash of the two gunshots makes "16". You must watch extremely carefully.

Mission 17: After Arkham pulls the force edge from the stone, the rocks shift around. In the bottom left of the screen will be two rock pillars next to each other. They form a "17".

Mission 18: As Dante is rising up the portal to the demon world, a single newspaper flies around the bottom right corner of the screen with an "18" on it.

Mission 19: The camera will start to turn at the beginning of the intermission sequence. As it is turning, there is a bookshelf. There is an area with books missing in the shape of a "19".

Mission 20: After Lady shoots her father and starts crying in the background, the mist forms the number "20".

Hint: Control Doppleganger:
When you have Doppleganger style and a second controller available, the player two can become the Doppleganger. This only lasts until your Devil Trigger runs out. Note: If you are using Super Dante, player two can stay for as long as you keep the Devil Trigger on.
Tony Nguyen.

Hint: Control loading screen:
You can do this at any type of loading screen. Press Triangle to slash the sign once. However, you can slash it as many times as desired. To slash a different way press Triangle + D-pad. Once the sign turns blood red, hit the sign with an up slash (D-Pad Up + Triangle) and it will shatter. You can also shoot the sign but you must still do an up slash to break it.

Hint: Defeating Nevan:
As Dante, you need Beowulf (Straight Level 2) and the Trickster style (Level 3 recommended). When the battle starts, Nevan will teleport herself onto the opera stage. Get close to her with either Dash (Level 1 and 2) or AirBlink (Level 3), but not too close or she will teleport away. Try to choose a distance so that she will make a spinning attack while you are unharmed. While she is spinning, charge up Straight and wait for her to stop. When she stops, quickly unleash Straight onto her. If done correctly, all of her bats will destroyed. If not, most of them will be gone (your Devil Trigger will fill up as you execute this move). Repeat this strategy until all of her bats are gone. Then, Devil Trigger and unleash your might onto Nevan, but make sure to stop attacking and stay away from her when the black spot under her gets too big and will hurt you if you dodge it too late. Notice when Nevan is teleporting, even though she is invisible but her bats are not. This gives you the advantage of seeing where will she be when she teleports. After recovering herself, Nevan will teleport away. Follow the bats and get close to her and repeat the prior strategy. If you are too late, she will execute other moves. Dodge them to avoid being hurt. When Nevan summons lightning that affects the whole floor, double jump or AirBlink to avoid it. Repeat the strategy above until Nevan is defeated. Note: When her health is low, Nevan will try to kiss you in order to replenish her health with yours. Simply Devil Trigger so that she will not be able to kiss you, and you can attack her because her bats are gone when she executes this move.
Park Gen Min.

As Vergil, you need Yamato (Judgment Cut Level 2). Repeat the same strategy as Dante, but instead of using Beowulf, you need to charge up the Judgment Cut with Yamato and unleash them when Nevan stops spinning to destroy her bats. Repeat the strategy until the bats are gone. Then, do same strategy as playing as Dante; Devil Trigger and starts attacking her but stop when the black spot under her gets too big. Because Vergil does not have double jump, when Nevan summons the all-lightning move, use precise timing to jump when the floor is struck by the lightning. Then, repeat the same strategy until she is defeated. Remember not to get too close to Nevan when or before she does the spinning attack so she will not teleport away or hurt you when she is spinning.
Park Gen Min.

Hint: Mundus reference:
Complete the game and get the Vergil ending, where he falls down in the pool of blood. There will be three round and red electric orbs that he says he could defeat if his father did it. This is most likely Mundus, the last Boss from the first game, because Vergil obviously loses and succumbs to Mundus' power.

Glitch: Shadow:
In any mission when playing with Dante's last costume (Super Sparda), look at his shadow on the ground without Devil Trigger on. It should resemble Dante's DT form even though it is a different character.
Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

Cheat mode:
Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and rotate the Left Analog-stick until "Devil May Cry" is spoken at the starting menu. This will unlock all bonus modes, alternate costumes, and gallery entries.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the game under the easy or higher difficulty setting to unlock coatless Dante, under the normal or higher difficulty setting to unlock the original Devil May Cry Dante, and under the hard difficulty setting to unlock the coatless original Devil May Cry Dante. Press L1 or R1 at the mission selection screen to choose the new costume. Note: The costumes will also unlock the Force Edge Devil Arms move.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Successfully complete the game under the easy or higher difficulty setting. Note: Higher difficulty settings will unlock additional selections, as listed.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Art 1: Complete easy mode.
Art 2: Complete normal mode.
Art 3: Get an "S" rank for all normal mode missions.
Art 4: Get an "SS" rank for all normal mode missions.
Art 5: Complete hard mode.
Art 6: Get an "S" rank for all hard mode missions.
Art 7: Get an "SS" rank for all normal mode missions.
Art 8: Complete Dante Must Die mode.
Art 9: Get an "S" rank for all Dante Must Die mode missions.
Art 10: Get an "SS" rank for all Dante Must Die mode missions.

Hard difficulty:
Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Easy difficulty:
Intentionally fail a mission under the normal difficulty setting three to five times. A message will appear, stating that you have unlocked the easy difficulty level.

Dante Must Die mode:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Heaven or Hell mode:
Successfully complete Dante Must Die mode.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Play as Legendary Dark Knight/Sparda:
Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting.

Unlimited Devil Trigger:
Successfully complete Dante Must Die mode.

Once you have unlocked the Super Dante costume, select it for any mission. You will have unlimited Devil Trigger for the remainder of he game. This very useful during your last fight with Virgil.

Get Quicksilver on you, then go into demon form. You will have unlimited Devil Trigger.

Control loading screen:
Press Triangle to slash or Square to shoot at the "Now Loading" screen.

While at the loading screen, hold Up and repeatedly use the sword (Triangle) until it breaks. Another one will appear. Note: This does not work with guns (Square).

Alternate ending sequence:
Kill at least 100 opponents during the credits.

Successfully complete the game with Legendary Dark Knight to have Lady in an alternate costume during the ending credits.

Multi-player mode:
Use the Doppleganger style with the Super Dante costume. Activate the Doppleganger style at any time then press Start on the controller two. The second player now controls the Doppleganger (shadow). Note: You must have the Super Dante costume or you will run out of Devil Trigger using the Doppleganger.
Ein and Arthur.

Hint: Subliminal messages:
During the ending or beginning of each mission there is a subliminal message in an intermission sequence. Sometimes the number is in the murky clouds and at other times it is found in hard to see places. Look in the background and foreground and on objects, the sky, explosions for these.
Sean Montgomery and Jamie Weir.

In the first mission when Dante is eating pizza, the pizza box has a big "1" on it for mission 1.
Adam Bailey.

In mission 2, during the opening FMV sequence when the camera moves around Dante's head, it shows a red billboard with a big white "2" on it.
Adam Bailey.

When we first meet Mary, she blows up some enemies and they form the number "3" for mission 3.
Jamie Weir.

In mission 4, there is a banner near where Vergil and Arkham are standing in the shape of a "4".

At the start of mission 5, turn around to see a "5" written on the wall.
Jamie Weir.

In mission 6, watch the FMV sequence when Mary shoots her rocket launcher at the floor. At the end of the sequence it shows where it hits the ground. The burn mark looks like a "6".
Adam Bailey.

At the start of mission 7, when the FMV sequence plays Dante wipes blood off his forehead onto a wall, which runs down into the figure "7".
Sean Montgomery and Jamie Weir.

In mission 8, when Dante gets up, goes near the pillar, and is about to jump off, you can see a faint shape of an "8" in the moon behind him.

Mary empties her gun and a empty shell falls down with the number "9" on it for mission 9.
Jamie Weir.

In the intermission sequence at the beginning of mission 10, Virgil betrays Arkham and slays him. The blood gushing out of Arkham splatter onto his book, leaving the number "10".
Virck Star and Shimmy Valaint.

In mission 11, during the FMV sequence when Arkham is on the ground there are two lines of blood leading to him that resemble an "11".
Adam Bailey.

Jester is riding on a object in the shape of the number "12" for mission 12.
Jamie Weir.

mission 13: Immediately after Vergil cuts his hand to make a sacrifice, the camera angle changes. While the angle is turning you can see a "13" carved into a pillar.

In mission 14: At the end of the intermission sequence, it shows an angle aiming down into the pit where Vergil fell. On the wall of the crevice is a carved "14".

In mission 15: After awhile after the intermission sequence starts, the camera will face a door with three symbols on it. Just to the right of it is a dried up plant. The branches are shaped into the number "15".

In mission 16: A little while after Dante starts changing between normal and demon forms he will take out his guns and shoot them at the same time. If you can spot it, the flash of the two gunshots makes "16". You must watch extremely carefully.

In mission 17: After Arkham pulls the force edge from the stone, the rocks shift around. In the bottom left of the screen will be two rock pillars next to each other. They form a "17".

In mission 18: As Dante is rising up the portal to the demon world, a single newspaper flies around the bottom right corner of the screen with an "18" on it.

In mission 19: The camera will start to turn at the beginning of the intermission sequence. As it is turning, there is a bookshelf. There is an area with books missing in the shape of a "19".

At the beginning of mission 20, Mary/Lady kills her father Arkham, crying/laughing in happiness of finally ridding the evil burden. The mist and clouds surrounding her form the shape of the number "20".
Virck Star and Shimmy Valaint.

Hint: Mission 1: Easy Orbs:
Use Agni and Rudra to trash everyone and everything. Make sure to get the drums. If complete it with an "S" rank, you will get 6,000. This is useful early on in the game. It gets even easier when you get the Devil Trigger.

Hint: Mission 3: Cerberus Devil Arms move:
Successfully complete Mission 3 by defeating Cerberus to get the Cerberus Devil Arms move.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Hint: Mission 3: Secret Mission 1:
Once you are in the area with the Red Orb statue and the three red flame statue just before Cerberus, there is a metal door off to the right. Push Circle in front of it to enter the secret mission. If you win you will receive a Blue Orb piece.

Hint: Mission 3: Shotgun:
Can be found hanging on the wall of the front bar.

Hint: Dante swings on stripper pole:
In the strip club, press X then Triangle near the pole to watch Dante swing around.
tom barlet.

Hint: Mission 4: Easy Red Orbs:
At the start of the mission, go back to street area just before you fought Cerberus. Get all the Red Orbs in the area. Press Start, save the game, then select "Restart Mission". You can do this all over again without having to fight any enemies. You get about 2,800 orbs per visit.
The Ace of Spades.

Hint: Mission 5: Defeating Agni and Rudra:
Once they get close enough to you, you can jump out of the way when one of them attacks. Agni will strike Rudra and vice versa. This is a useful trick when you are low on health.
pale_imagination and Brennan.

Hint: Mission 5: Agni and Rudra Devil Arms move:
Successfully complete Mission 5 by defeating Agni and Rudra to get the Agni and Rudra Devil Arms move.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Hint: Mission 5: Breath Of Fire reference:
At the end of Mission 5, after defeating the two brothers, they will tell you their names. Agni and Rudra are the names of the last two dragon transformations you receive in Breath Of Fire for your hero.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Hint: Mission 5: Defeating the brothers:
When fighting the brothers on Mission 5 or 6, attack them at the same time so that their health is the same, and so one of them does not grab the other brother's sword and unleash totally massacre. When you kill one of the brothers, you get a little time to attack the other brother. It does not matter who you attack first. If his health was the same as his brother before he died, you should win the Boss battle. It is also recommended having five or six Vital Orbs (green) and four Large Vital orbs.

Hint: Mission 6: Artemis:
Insert the last item into the statue in the Mute Goddess statue to get this weapon.

Hint: Mission 7: Easy Orbs:
At the beginning of the mission when you enter the Moonrise Chamber, you can use the launch pads to collect about 1800 Orbs. After getting all the Orbs, save the game. Then, restart the level to collect them all again. You can do this as many times as desired and get about 1,800 Orbs a minute (without having to fight any enemies).
Tony Banfield.

Hint: Mission 9: Nevan Devil Arms move:
Successfully complete Mission 9 by defeating Nevan to get the Nevan Devil Arms move.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Hint: Mission 9: Spiral:
This weapon can be found on the platform in the subterranean lake.

Hint: Mission 9: Easy Red Orbs:
There is a secret mission in a cave area just before you go onto a path where you fight Nevan, who is the Boss in this mission. You will see a red glow in the cave. Go up to it and press Circle to enter. You will now be in a secret mission where you must destroy all the items in a bar, similar to the place in Mission 3. It is very easy, and you can get 1,000 to over 1500 Red Orbs in one play through, plus a Blue Fragment. When you get four of these, you will get a life bar upgrade. If done about twenty times, you can easily get over 20,000 Red Orbs in about twenty minutes. This is also helpful if Nevan is proving difficult and you need Red Orbs to buy Vital Stars and Yellow Orbs. Buy only one Yellow Orb at a time. By doing this, you can stock up on Vital Stars and other items that will help you defeat Nevan.
Nug James.

Hint: Mission 11: More life:
When you get the orb that drains your power and must run for the bridge, skip battling the red bat things. This will completely drain your power. Instead, battle every enemy except those and do your best to get high ratings. The higher the ratings that you get, the more life you will receive in killing them. It helps to use combinations to keep your ratings high when battling enemies.

Hint: Mission 11: Defeating Beowulf:
Any weapon will work. The trick to defeating this beast is when he stomps the ground to drop cages, then punches it to you. This is where you can do a lot of damage with small chance of him hitting you. Run up to him, then use Devil Trigger and start slashing him.

Hint: Mission 12: Quicksilver style:
Defeat Greyon at the end of Mission 12
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Hint: Mission 12: Defeating Greyon:
After the intermission sequence of Greyon (blue horse with carriage) smashing through the other enemies, immediately run to the door and stay in the corner. When Greyon charges at you, fire Ebony & Ivory at him. Before he hits you, he will vanish and appear on the other side of the bridge. Also, notice that you have not taken any damage. Repeat these steps until the bridge collapses, then get ready for the real fight.

When you begin to fight the horse with the carriage, the life of the horse is not in itself -- it is in the carriage. You will win faster and easier if you attack the carriage instead of the horse. To help kill it on the bridge section (the upper floor), your will be forced to use your guns, Try using the handguns fully updated. When you get the chance when it stops, use your sword. When the life of the horse/carriage gets about one quarter down, the bridge will collapse and reveal a gladiator-like arena. It is in this area where your guns will not mean much. The horse will run around the arena in the circle. After four or five rounds, it will come towards the center of the arena and breathe. It is here where you pop into Devil Trigger and unload on it. If you do this consistently enough, the horse will collapse, giving you more time to kill it.

Hint: Mission 12: Easy level ups:
When you have the haywire neo-generator you can take the train back and forth for easy experience. They often drop small Green Orbs to replenish health. Alternately, replay any secret mission that you can fight enemies in.

Hint: Mission 14: Beowulf Devil Arms move:
After completing Mission 11 by defeating Beowulf, collect the weapon at the start of Mission 14.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Hint: Mission 16: Kalina Ann:
Defeat the Lady to get this weapon.

Hint: Mission 17: Defeating the Doppleganger:
When you get to the part where you fight the Doppleganger, to do major damage have your style set to "Quicksilver". Also have Agni and Rudra equipped. When you are fighting him, open a light when he is close to you. After the light turns on and his armor breaks, do not attack immediately. Do Quicksilver and have Agni and Rudra out. Then attack him slow motion until his armor goes back on. Then, exit Quicksilver and repeat until he dies.
Jesse Gray.

Hint: Mission 17: Doppleganger style:
Defeat Shadow Enemy at the end of Mission 17
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Hint: Mission 17: Easy orbs:
Once you begin the mission, collect the orbs above the staircase. Then, go back to the room where you came from and collect all the orbs. Finally, save and restart the mission. All the orbs will be back.

Hint: Mission 18: Easier completion:
You must fight many previous Bosses on this level by pressing Circle on a colored object on a wall. These are as follows:

Light blue is Cerberus,
Yellow is the Gigapede,
Green is Agni & Rudra,
Red is the Heart of Leviathen,
Purple is Nevan, white is Beowulf,
Blue is Geryon
Black is the Doppelganger.
Orange is many difficult enemies.

To complete this level, you must make a loop on the board. The easiest way is to fight Agni & Rudra, Cerberus, and Beowulf.
jack woodrup.

Hint: Mission 19: Yamato Devil Arms move:
Play as Virgil in Mission 19 to use the Yamato Devil Arms move. It is only usable in the Boss fight in this mission after Dante is taken by the Boss.
KiKito Romero Bebo.

Hint: Mission 19: Multi-player opportunity:
When you are fighting the hideous version of Arkhem, get his heath bar halfway down. An intermission sequence will interrupt, introducing Virgil to the battle. When the clip has ended, you will be fighting alongside Virgil. Press Start on controller two, and that person will be playing as Virgil.

Hint: Secret Missions:
Throughout the levels, you will find different secret missions that will give you different things. These missions can be done more than once. You will not get the original prize obtained in the first place, because once each mission is completed you will get the mission prize. Complete it again and you will get red orbs. Each time it is completed, the prized orb will go down in value.

Hint: Secret Mission 1:
To get easy orbs very early in the game, enter Secret Mission 1 (by entering metal sliding door off to the right before you fight Cerberus). Re enter it as many times as desired. After completing it once, you will gain a huge Red Orb which is worth around 400 orbs.

Hint: Secret Mission 5: Large life and Devil Trigger bonus:
Before you start Mission 14, you will need life, and Devil Trigger, if you do not have it as unlimited. Take out the Combat Adjudicator on the far wall with the Beowolf Gauntlets, and enter the "previous world". Go under the waterfall. Once inside, hop up into the red groove up in the cave and begin Secret Mission 5. Do not complete it. Repeat it as many times as desired and purchase what you need. When done, complete the secret mission and you will receive a small blue orb which will increase your life. Your Devil Trigger should also be full.

Hint: Credits: Easy kills:
To get more than 100 kills during the credits, when you fight Vergil equip yourself with the rocket launcher and upgrade it to level 3. After the fight with Vergil, during the credits, take out your rockets and start blasting everyone with it.
Marco Ferroni.

Hint: Defeating Agni and Rudra:
There are many ways to defeat Agni and Rudra. The easiest is to have Nevan and Super Dante mode. The skill needed is Air Raid for Nevan. Jump as high as you can off a wall and use the skill Air Raid. If you have the Super Dante costume on, you will hover like this indefinitely. Just keep shocking them, move around, and try to avoid hovering over them.

Hint: Defeating Virgil:
In order to drop Virgil's life faster in the beginning of the final fight, make sure you have the following equipped: Cerberus Nunchucks with all power ups (main weapon to use against him as it is quick and can peel off health in seconds); a weapon with double jump (preferably Agni and Rudra, as they are as good as the Cerberus nunchucks at dishing out damage in a short amount of time); Max Trickster Style (so you can use the dash abilities to avoid his attacks, as well as use the Air Blink to get closer to him when he falls out of Devil Trigger to attack him); 7 to 10 Devil Stars; 2 to 30 L. Vitality Stars; 2-30 S. Vitality Stars; all blue orbs purchased and completed; and all purple orbs purchased. Start by using the Cerberus nunchucks and use the Air Blink maneuver to get close to Virgil. Devil Trigger and start tearing him limb from limb until your Devil Trigger goes down to slightly under one. Then, use another Devil Star. Even if Vergil goes Devil Trigger, keep smashing him as he will eventually fall out of Devil Trigger. When he gets a purple sphere around him, break your Devil Trigger mode and avoid his next few attacks by dashing around them. Once he stops, he will be somewhat stunned. If you timed some of your dashes correctly, you should have built up a Devil Trigger gauge by about two to three places. Use Air Blink to get close to him and Devil Trigger. Keep smashing him (and using Devil Stars when the Devil Trigger gauge is at its last orb or less before you fall out of Devil Trigger) until he does the purple orb maneuver again. Then, repeat what you did the last time. It should not take much more if you had dealt enough damage earlier, and if your health is low, use a L. Vital Star/S. Vital Star, depending on the amount. Note: Sometimes he will do a combo of slash, slash, slash, then disappear and reappear overhead and do a Helm Breaker. Dash out of the way of this while equipping your double jump weapon and prepare for a Stinger attack. Double jump out of its way and go back to Cerberus nunchucks and strike him. He will also do his attack where he will partially draw his katana and orbs will appear. You can either dash towards him out of their way, or use the Air Blink. Note: If if you use Air Blink you might get caught by one of the orbs upon your reappearance, depending on how many he launches. After awhile Virgil will scream "Dante" and an FMV sequence will begin.
Alex Martin.

To defeat Virgil easily, use the Doppleganger style with the all costumes feature of the "Cheat mode" code. Equip the costume with Dante's sleeve torn off. You will be able to stay in demon form the entire whole time you are fighting Virgil. If player two presses Start with this costume on, he can use the doppleganger to fight with player one.

Hint: Easier style ratings:
To get easier style ratings, attack with a weapon. Then, after awhile switch to a different weapon. Try different combinations with different weapons.

When faced with a lot of enemies, your sword is always very useful. However if you throw it, it becomes even more useful. You can throw your sword at an enemy by locking onto them, then pressing Forward + Circle. Dante will throw his sword into the enemy. Your rating will instantly go up. Go up to the enemy and attack it., Your ratings will be at "Sweet" by this point if done correctly.

You can easily gain style points by whipping out the Nevan and using the attack where you go into the jam session (repeatedly press Triangle, while performing a type 2 combo). Do this in a room with a group of Enigmas (the enemies that attack you with the blue and red missiles) while using the guitar solo attack. When the missiles hit you, it will make your stylish points skyrocket instantly to SStylish. Note: This was done under the hard difficulty setting.
Virck Star and Shimmy Valaint.

Hint: Maxed out styles:
This trick takes some time but is well worth it. Enable the "Cheat mode" code, then go to Heaven or Hell mode. Once there, get to Mission 18. You can now max out all your styles such as Trickster, Gunslinger, Swordsmaster, or Royalguard, if you have not done so already. This mission is easy because on Heaven or Hell mode it takes only one shot to kill your enemies. Unfortunately it only takes one hit to kill you as well. Go through and kill all of the Bosses before you finish the mission. The best part is that it takes only one shot with the guns of choice, with a few exceptions. For each Boss you kill you will get about 5,000 to 7,000 points on your style. After completing the mission about three or four times you can go from a level one style to a maxed out style.
gareth geshell.

Hint: Devil Trigger power-up:
On the mission where you battle the redhead, as soon as you go under the waterfall into the other part of the level, you will enter a cave. Go straight and to your left to find a large Devil Trigger power-up in a crystallized sanctuary hole.

Hint: Glide while in demon form:
You can glide while in demon form by having the Rebellion equipped. Hold R1 + X to glide. This move will not appear in the library, but is automatically learned. Alternately, you can purchase the Air Raid maneuver for the Nevan weapon.
Jai Wala.

Hint: Machine-gun like shots:
Start by equipping Ebony & Ivory and use the Gunlinger style. When facing an enemy, press Square and Circle rapidly. The game will switch between Rapid Shot and Twosome Time. Because of the fast switching it will appear as if Dante has equipped himself with a machine gun.
Nick Dalmacio.

Hint: Fire the shotgun faster:
when using Ebony & Ivory and the shotgun, you can shoot the shotgun faster by firing, switching to Ebony & Ivory with L2 (default), firing once or twice with them, then switching back to the shotgun. If timed correctly, you can fire the shotgun as if it were one of your pistols. Note: This trick can be used with other weapons, such as Artemis, but may not work as well.
Jake Anderson.
Devil May Cry 2

Dante's Diesel bonus level and costume:
Play Dante's mission 1, then save the game. Reset the PlayStation2 and wait for the "Press Start button" message to re-appear. Press L3, R3, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press Start to return to the main menu. Choose the "Load game" option, press L1 or R1 to access the new costume, then load a game to play the bonus level.

Lucia's Diesel bonus level and costume:
Play Lucia's mission 1, then save the game. Reset the PlayStation2 and wait for the "Press Start button" message to re-appear. Press L3, R3, L1, R1, L2, R2, L3, R3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press Start to return to the main menu. Choose the "Load game" option, press L1 or R1 to access the new costume, then load a game to play the bonus level.

Lucia's Diesel costume:
Press L1(2), Triangle, Square, L2(2) during game play.

Dante's Diesel costume:
Press R1(2), Triangle, Square, R2(2) during game play.

In-game reset:
Hold Select then quickly press and hold Start during game play to return to the title screen.
Nathan Dill and Alex Ackles.

Completion bonuses:
Use the following trick to unlock the completion bonuses by only playing Dante's game. Switch from Disc 1 to 2 at any time during Dante's game. Successfully complete the game to unlock level select mode, hard mode, Bloody Palace mode, and the credits. This trick also works for hard mode. If you change from Disc 1 to Disc 2 anytime before you complete the game in hard mode, you will unlock Trish and other bonuses.

Dante Must Die mode completion bonuses:
Once you complete Dante Must Die mode, you will be rewarded with four bonuses: Dante's original Devil May Cry costume; Rebellion will be replaced by Force Edge (very strong not like Devil May Cry's Force Edge); True King of Hell (title given to you after completing both Dante and Lucia Must Die modes; the music Lock and Load (Dante's Theme from Devil May Cry) will play.

Alternate costumes for Dante:
Successfully complete the game with Dante under the normal difficulty setting to unlock an alternate costume. Successfully complete the game in Dante Must Die mode to unlock his original costume from Devil May Cry.
Alhaji Musa.

Alternate costumes for Lucia:
Successfully complete the game with Lucia to unlock an alternate costume for her. Successfully complete the game with Lucia under the hard difficulty setting to unlock another costume for her. Successfully complete the game in Lucia Must Die mode to unlock her Arius bodyguard costume.
Alhaji Musa.

Play as Trish:
Successfully complete the game with Dante under the hard difficulty setting. Trish has Dante's stats and items and starts with the Sparda.
Alhaji Musa.

Bloody Palace mode:
Successfully complete the game with Dante and Lucia to unlock Bloody Palace mode.
Alhaji Musa.

In Bloody Palace mode, the maximum and hardest level is level 9999, however, the reward is satisfying. You will fight various rivals, such as Mr. Phantom (lava spider), Arius, or Bolverk (the one eyed sword opponent) and his wolves, only this time you will fight twelve wolves. You will probably fight Arius most of the time, but even though he is difficult, get a Showtime fighting him and kill him at the same time. You will be rewarded with 7,000 Orbs.

Dante Must Die mode:
Successfully complete the game with Dante and Lucia under the hard difficulty setting.
Alhaji Musa and Sephiroth.

Lucia Must Die mode:
Successfully complete the game with Lucia under the hard difficulty setting.
Alhaji Musa.

Hard difficulty setting:
Successfully complete the game with Dante and Lucia.

Level select:
Successfully complete the game as either character under any difficulty setting.
Alhaji Musa.

Alternate enemy file images:
When looking at the enemy files in the menu, some of them have alternate images. These can be seen by pressing X while looking at certain files. Most will have a second image and some, like the cage type enemies, have about four.
Ben Talbot.

King Of Hell pictures:
To get the nine bonus King Of Hell pictures, complete Dante Must Die! mode with both Dante and Lucia then, complete the game with the following costumes.

Picture 1: Complete the last mission as Dante.
Picture 2: Complete the last mission as Dante's Diesel costume.
Picture 3: Complete the last mission as Trish.
Picture 4: Complete the last mission as Trish (on Lucia's disc).
Picture 5: Complete the last mission as original Devil May Cry Dante.
Picture 6: Complete the last mission as Lucia.
Picture 7: Complete the last mission as Lucia's Diesel costume.
Picture 8: Complete the last mission as Lucia's second Diesel costume.
Picture 9: Complete the last mission as Lucia's Secretary costume.

Hint: Easy game completion:
Use the following trick to complete the game easily with Lucia or Dante. Enable the code to get Dante or Lucia's Diesel costume. As well as having the option of another costume, you can repeat any level you have already completed. Simply repeat the easy levels to gain Orbs, and upgrade your characters.
Matthew Elefanty.

Hint: Mission 1: Secret area:
Enter the big doors to the right of the pillar where the Puia (flying harpies) first appear in Mission 1.

Go through the level until you see a wall with a face. Press Circle and you should enter a secret room.

After you reach the point when the demon birds appear, defeat them, then get on the roof. Run until two skeletons appear. Defeat them, then get on the stairs. Jump off them, go down, and keep going. Do not worry about the demons that appear. Get to bottom of the path to the last door, then press Circle to access secret room 2.
Tom Cotton.

Hint: Mission 1: Hidden Red Orbs:
Go to the part at the beginning where you double jump over the rubble blocking the way ahead. Face the statue and double jump to the statue's shoulder, then again to his head. Once on his head, at many Red Orbs will fall.
Lloyd Dragon.

Hint: Mission 1: Unlimited Red Orbs:
Get the first Red Orb at the beginning then keep restarting the mission.
Manuel Reyes.

Hint: Mission 1: Unlimited Yellow Orbs:
After completing either character's game at least once and have unlocked the "Mission Select" option, go to mission 1 and collect the Yellow Orbs. Save the game and quit. You may now continue where you left off. This trick is useful when facing the tougher Bosses on the harder settings.
James Gilby.

Hint: Mission 2: Hidden areas:
Enter one of the rooms that has a coffin and bones in it. Go up to the coffin and press Circle. This will take you to a hidden room full of enemies and some Red Orbs.
Casper Da Friendly Ghost.

There are actually two secret areas in mission 2. Both are in separate rooms where skeleton coffins are located. Check every coffin you see to find them.

Hint: Mission 3: Hidden area:
Before or after the cargo elevator trip, you will reach a door located between two other doors with just a couple of stair steps. Stand in front of the door on the left side of the screen and press Circle to enter a secret room.
Khang Le.

Hint: Mission 4: Hidden area:
When you start, look for the first door on your left. It is not very big and is sticking out slightly. Approach it and press Circle. It will lead to a secret area where big flying creatures attack you.

Hint: Mission 5: Hidden area:
When you enter the barricaded area, go to Dante's left and fall off the cliff. There are several medium Red Orbs. Follow that until the end. There will be an Orb Dispenser. Go just to the left of the Orb Dispenser to find a garage-type door. Press Circle, and there will be plenty of Homromsira in there.

Hint: Mission 6: Defeating the "head":
When you are fighting the "head", not when it is the full body, when it falls on the ground and starts shooting lasers, wait for them to stop. You will have a few seconds before it will go into the air again. In that time, run up to it and hit it with your sword on the open mouth. It will do double or triple the damage.
Victor Gonyo.

When the head floats down to the ground and shoots its lasers, press Circle to flip Dante around to the back of the head. Slash the monster while it is shooting the lasers. After it is done, using the sword will help Dante's Devil Trigger to fill up. When it is full, it will do even more damage.

Hint: Mission 7: Hidden area:
At the very end of the mission, before entering the door that leads to the roof, press Circle at the door to the left.

Hint: Mission 8: Easy Red Orbs:
The level select option must first be unlocked for this trick .Select level 8. Fight and defeat the opponent as quickly as possible without using items. You will get about 4,000 Red Orbs if you get a "B" rank.

Hint: Mission 10: Hidden area:
After defeating the giant butterfly and the larvae, you will go down a set of stairs. After the game loads, go to the first set of doors you see and press Circle to enter another hidden room.
Khang Le.

Hint: Mission 14: Hidden area:
When you start the mission, turn around and press Circle against the door on the left. You should enter a secret room with enemies to fight.
Miguel Saldana.

Hint: Mission 16: Hidden area:
On this mission, you will enter a room where you will find the item named Sacrilege. Get the item to make the energy balls stop coming at you. Then, on the floor directly under the balcony where the item was located, there will be a wall that resembles a door. Press Circle in front of that wall and it will open a secret room.
Matt Paradis.

Hint: Mission 16: Easy Red Orbs:
When you pass mission 16, you can get as many red orbs as desired. Go up and down the elevator, killing all enemies. Remember to mix up your attacks to increase your stylish bonus. Do not use a maxed-out weapon, as this will kill enemies too quickly and not allow you to get your stylish up fast enough. If done correctly, you can get up to 2,500 Red Orbs on each trip up and down the elevator. This may get tedious, but is well worth it when you get to the "Must Die" modes. Save your data when you have the desired number of orbs.
Mark Walden.

Hint: Mission 18: Easy Red Orbs:
Complete the game as Dante. Go to Mission 1 and grab the Gold Orb, then go to Mission 18 to defeat Argosax the chaos and despair embodied. Repeat this as many times as desired.
Michael Aminoff.

Hint: Defeating Argosax:
As Dante, start from the first head and work your way to the left. Then, position Dante in between each head and target it with the Missile Launcher then take it out from afar. Tis will also work on the Griffon, but his electric attacks will eventually make their way towards you. The only way to avoid them is to Flip Escape to the right and get out of their range.

Press Circle every time you want to move somewhere, even left and right. When the time is correct, or when no attacks are being drawn, kick them with a missile launcher (since they cannot avoid attacks), or just give them a cheap shot using handguns. Note: Killing Argosax may be easy, but Despair Embodied is a different story.

This is much easier if you have fully upgraded the submachine guns. For the first head, hold Square while jumping over his attacks. After that, move to the right by the Griffin. If you are standing as far away as possible, he will only be able to hit you with the attack that is like a pair of scissors. As you keep working to the right, you can avoid the range of their attacks until you reach the Phantom. When he shoots fireballs, roll to the side until he stops and keep attacking. Use the same strategy for the jets of fire he shoots up. By now you should have a full Devil Trigger gauge. Use it on the giant gorilla to avoid falling down because of his attack. If you bought enough Purple Orbs, you should have about half a bar left when the gorilla dies.
David Hayes.

Hint: Defeating Arius-Argosax:
You will need the Arsenal Throwing Daggers upgraded to level 2 or 3, the Swords Embaka upgraded to at least level 2 or 3, and all of the Amulets. The best Amulet to use as Lucia is the Electro Heart, the Quick Heart (to move very fast), and the Healing Amulet (heals while in Devil Trigger mode). While fighting him, jump in the air and rapidly press Square. Keep doing this to raise your Devil Trigger gauge to full power. Attack him rapidly with the Arsenal Throwing Daggers. When he is defeated, an intermission sequence will start.

You can only defeat Arius-Argosax with Lucia. You need to use the throwing daggers at level 2 and any swords. The best amulet to use is the Healing Heart. All that Arius-Argosax can to do you is spit purple things. If you get hit by it, you will get poisoned for awhile. You will know if you are poisoned because you will turn purple. Throw the daggers at all times at Arius-Argosax. When your Devil Trigger gauge gets full, activate it.
jack woodrup.

Hint: Defeating Possessed Arius:
Note: You can only fight Possessed Arius as Lucia. When you get to the second to last mission (after the part where you are in the Big Urobos Buildiing Corps.), you will have to fight Possessed Arius. He is also in Devil Trigger Mode. To defeat him, find the Embaka and have it upgraded to at least level 2 or 3. Have your Arsenal, Throwing Daggers, upgraded to level 2. While fighting, keep jumping in the air and pressing Square rapidly until you fall. At least every five to ten seconds, Possessed Arius will charge up (purple flames will form around his body). He will charge at you. Jump in the air and keep pressing Square. When he is behind you while you a're in the air, he might jump at you on the ground. When he falls, attack him with Triangle. It is the best way to get your Devil Trigger gauge at full power. If your Devil Trigger gauge is half to full, go into Devil Trigger mode. Keep attacking him; you will rarely ever fall down while you attack in Devil Trigger mode. When his life is in the red, he will take one of the pipe-like things on his back that always move and jam it into the ground, causing it to pop up occasionally, He will not die, but will transform another time.

You do not need to have anything leveled up for this trick, but you will need the Speed Amulet. Equip the Throwing Daggers. When you start out in the pit, run as far from him as possible. Throw daggers at him until he is almost close enough to hit you, then Devil Trigger and run under him to the other side of the pit. Repeat this strategy. Note: Your Devil Trigger should charge up just enough. If you defeat the second form quickly and you do this trick on the third form correctly, you should be able to get an "S" rank for time, and high ranking for damage, although style will probably get a "D" rank.
kaus gpk.

Hint: Defeating the Infested Tanks:
Have Lucia jump on to the tank. Note: Make sure you have your handguns on. Jump once then fire. Before you land, jump again and fire. When you defeat the first one, do it again. Note: Watch your back, as the other ones might fire a missle. There are three of them.

Hint: Defeating the "Three Heads":
When you enter a certain room, you will get transported to another dimension. Three heads will attack you at different times. Keep dodging the things that they fire at you. When they get close, before they attack, use the most powerful sword you have. Do this to get your Devil Trigger up, but do not use it until the heads join up. Then, either use the throwing daggers or the handguns. Repeat until they are defeated. Note: When the ice head uses its main attack which fires huge ice pillars at you, you cannot attack the heads until you have destroyed the pillars.
jack woodrup.

Hint: Ultimate Devil form:
Get your Devil Trigger to full, then get your health bar down to the red. Go into your Devil form, and you will be in your Ultimate Devil form.

Hint: Combos:
These combos are based off of the basic attack mode without holding R1. These will help you get a better combo rating, especially if you do the first and follow with the second. Make sure not to hold R1 button or you will do the Air Hike or the Stinger.
Psycho Enforcer.

Three basic slashes plus a downward strike, then an upward strike that knocks your enemy into the air like the Air Hike: Press Triangle(3), Towards + Triangle, Triangle(2).

Three basic slashes then three additional horizontal strikes. Press Triangle(3), Away + Triangle, Triangle(3).

Equip any sword and the shotgun. Holding R1 and do the following:

Dante will do a normal slash, then a cartwheel move while firing the shotgun. Press Triangle, Square.

Dante will do two slashes and pass the shotgun under his two arms and across his back, firing the shotgun twice. Press Triangle(2), Square.

Dante will do three slashes and then go into one knee firing the shotgun. Press Triangle(3), Square.

Once Dante has transformed into his Super Demon form (Ultimate Devil Trigger), he can use the following moves. Note: The Desperation Attacks will use all your Devil Trigger gaage, but are extremely powerful. The Ultimate Desperation Attack can kill any enemy in a single shot and can also kill most Bosses in a single shot.

Fireballs: Press Square (can also do while jumping or flying).
Twin Lightsabres: Press Triangle.
Flight: Press X(2).
Spin Attack: Press Triangle and the Left Analog-stick in any direction (while jumping).
Desperation Attack (Divine Light Blast): Press Square + Triangle at the same time.
Ultimate Desperation Attack (Dark Energy Beam): Hold R1, then press Square + Triangle at the same time.

Hold R1 in human form, then jump in the air and press Triangle to execute three moves. If you press Triangle, you will do an upward kick. If you press Triangle(2), you will do an upward kick followed by a backflip. If you press Triangle(3), you will do an upward kick and a backflip followed by a sword slash at an enemy that is on the ground.

While not in Devil Trigger mode (as to not waste your power), begin attacking an opponent. Once you begin to get Do Not Worry and your opponent dies. Use the handguns to start shooting your next target and Do Not Worry will never leave the screen until you are hit or stop shooting. Keep this strategy going until you get to Showtime and it works out nicely.

Hint: Double shotgun blast:
Stand just near the edge of a building and shoot your gun. While shooting, go to move off the edge. The moment that you are off the edge, you will immediately fire another shot from your shotgun.
John Snore.

Hint: Fast shotgun fire and reload:
Jump in the air twice, fire, and keep pressing L2.

Hint: Shotgun tricks:
As Dante, have the shotgun equipped. Then, hold R1 to aim at something. Next, swing your sword. The actions go as follow. Swing then fire: Dante does a somersault to the side and fires his shotgun; two swings then fire: Dante uses his shotgun like a pair of nunchuks firing twice; three swings then fire: Dante spins around on the last swing and into a kneel, shooting over his knee as support.

Hint: Quick recovery:
If you get hit and thrown to the ground, press Circle as soon as you hit the ground and you will immediately bounce back up.

Hint: Dante: Ultimate Devil Trigger attack:
To do the Ultimate Devil Trigger into Sparda demon form, press L1 when Dante's life bar is low. The Sparda form is incredibly strong and deals huge damage.
Gerry Rowe.

Hint: Dante: Moves:
While in Devil Trigger, press Triangle(2), then quickly press Triangle + Analog-stick. Dante will shoot out a lot projectiles that resemble arrows. The color depends on what amulet you have equipped.

Hint: Lucia: Ultimate Devil Trigger attack:
When in Lucia's Devil Trigger, equip the Aerial Heart and fly in the air after they are near you. Press Triangle + Square constantly until you do not have control of Lucia. She will perform an attack similar to the Phantom's Volcano Ass attack. It will take a lot of Devil Trigger. If you keep pressing it fast it will not waste Devil Trigger at all, but it will eventually stop.

Hint: Trish: Moves:
Trish has two moves that Dante does not. One is throwing Sparta, which is done by holding Triangle briefly and releasing. Trish will throw Sparta. You can shoot at the same targets that Sparta is attacking and do twice the damage. For the other move, fly using the Aerialheart and hold Square. Trish should fire beams of yellow light which do an amazing amount of damage. The longer you hold Square, the more beams she will shoot at once (five beams maximum).

Hold L2 then hold Triangle. When you release, Trish will stab her sword in the ground so you can use hand to hand combat by pressing Triangle. Press L2 to get the sword back.

Lock onto an enemy and do a sword combo. After the first two slashes land, hold R2 and she will do an extra two slashes.

When you are not holding Sparda (by stabbing it into the floor or throwing it), you can use Trish's fist and feet to attack your enemy. While doing this, hold R1 and press Forward or Back + Triangle. Trish will either thrust forward with a flaming punch or uppercut her enemies high off the screen. Also, if you jump while not holding Sparda and press Triangle, Trish will do a flaming dive-kick straight at the nearest enemy.
Ben Talbot.

Hint: Easier combos:
Use sword combos as much as possible. If an enemy is too far away for you to instantaneously attack them, use your arsenal/guns until you get close enough to use your sword(s) on them to keep the combo rating lit.

Hint: Easy break away:
Whenever something grabs you (for example, those invisible grasshoppers on top of you or the giant gorilla Boss), turn on your Devil Trigger very quickly and you will easily break free.

Hint: Bloody Palace: Easy Red Orbs:
Play Bloody Palace mode and defeat all the monsters. Choose the green portal to go 100 levels every time. 100 levels equals 1000 Red Orbs.

Hint: Forced Edge:
Successfully complete Dante Must Die to unlock Dante's original costume from Devil May Cry. Rebellion will be replaced with Forced Edge. Note: It does not change to Sparda if you are in Devil Trigger form.

Hint: Slow Motion Amulet piece:
There is a Slow Motion Amulet piece in the level after the Phantom (the level arena with eye in the center). Toward the outside is a sack or web cocoon on the ground. Break it open. Apply the Amulet and use Devil Trigger to see all your sword combos in slow motion.

Hint: Items:
Explore the level before you attempt killing a demon or devil. When you defeat them, the game will cut to an intermission sequence and you may leave behind important items. For example, in the mission where you take out the three tainted tanks, from start turn to your left and jump into the rubble to find a Heart Of A Warrior amulet piece.

Hint: Keep Red Orbs:
On any level, you will get Red Orbs. After you get a number of Red Orbs, pause game play and choose to restart the mission. You will not lose any Red Orbs.
gary barmore.

Hint: More Red Orbs for good combos:
You will gain a lot more Red Orbs if you kill enemies while you have the "Showtime!!!" combo rating. This is especially useful in the Bloody Palace. Strike enemies with your sword to build up your combo, dodge their attacks so you do not lose it all, and you will get the Showtime!!! rating easily. Also, if the enemy is a fair distance away from you as you are trying to build up your combo (and you do not think you will reach it before the combo fades), shoot it with your pistols. It will "refresh" the timer on the rating and keep your current rating until you reach the enemy. It is recommended that you fight Miseras to get Orbs, since a lot of them spawn in one level and they are easy to kill.
Ben Talbot.

Hint: Red Orbs:
After you have completed the game under the normal difficulty setting with both characters, you can return to fight Argosax again for orbs. Each time you complete the mission is worth 5,000 orbs on top of the bonus from your ranking.
David Hayes.

Hint: More shooting time:
You must have Air Hike with Alastor for this trick. Jump in the air and shoot. When you are about to fall, use Air Hike and start shooting again. This will only have full effect if timed correctly. Note: It is a lot easier and more efficient on Easy Auto mode, but still can be done on the other modes.

Hint: Weapon list:
Note: There are weapons that you will not probably encounter unless you look for them thoroughly.

Handguns: Available at start.

Shotgun: Kill the serpent in mission 4. You will get it after the intermission sequence with Dante riding a motorcycle.

Submachine guns: Found in mission 12, where you fight Bolverk, Freki, and Geri the first time. When you have to jump those platforms, find one that has a fading color, or floor. Keep hopping and walking on corridors (platforms on the wall) until there is an object to smash to get Red Orbs. Continue down to get the submachine guns.

Missile launcher: Destroy the boxes on the airplane where you have to escape from the power plant.

Rebellion: Available at start.

Merciless: Rather than doing the difficult parts in mission 12, wait for the mission where you have to fight Phantom. You will find it when you are near a blue smashing platform.

Vendetta: The strongest sword is located in mission 9, in the room where the train gate on the right is located (without the Red Orb on the track). Go in the room, look for a skeleton with a Vendetta plunged through its heart, and grab the swords.

Hint: Bloody Palace mode: Get to Bosses faster:
You must first understand the different level warps. The plain circle is one level up, the middle warp is ten levels up, and last is the green portal, which is one hundred levels up . Go through ten levels of the level one warps. After the tenth level go to the middle warp (level 20). Complete this level and go to the green warp. You should be facing all Bosses from then on. However, there is a flaw with normal leveling. Your bonus is much higher than what it would be. At most, you will only get around a two or three thousand bonus Red Orbs.

Hint: Devil May Cry reference:
At the end of Mission 1 and the intermission sequence of the house blowing up, look at the coin tgat Dante flips. On it is the silhouette of Trish from the original Devil May Cry.
Paul Stromquist.

Glitch: Big jump:
There is a glitch in the stairwell where Dante obtains the Flame Heart. This is performed easier in Devil Trigger mode. It can also be done with the Rocket Launcher (not in Devil Trigger). At that staircase, there is a way to jump from the bottom near the door almost to the top door. Stand at the bottom of the ledge where the staircase drops off, and hold Toward the camera so Dante will flip when he jumps. Press Jump, and as soon as you release it, fire as fast as possible. If done correctly, he will finish his jump on higher stairs.

Glitch: Invisible walls:
During mission 22 when you are approaching Mundus while he is in statue, go to the right or left side of the room. You will find that there is invisible walls trapping you in. You can wall-jump off these invisible walls.

Glitch: Swim around:
With Lucia on mission 8, you will start in a pit. Swim up a little bit and you will see a cave or maybe several of them. Keep pressing Circle on them, and eventually you will find and appear in a secret room. You will fight two Savage Golems, then four more. After you defeat them, collect the orbs and Blue Orb Fragment. Then, go into the purple circle. Do not press Circle yet or the glitch will not work. When in the exact center of this circle, jump in air, and before Lucia's feet touch the ground, press Circle. Note: This may require several attempts. When it works, you will enter a glitched water sequence in which you can swim around as Lucia. There are two different outcomes to this trick. About 25% of the time, you will end up in darkness next to a "building". All you can do is swim up, and at the top of the "building" enter a hole and continue the mission. 75% of the time, you will end up swimming in the walls. If you go left, you will encounter an invisible wall. Travel down to go back to the pit where you started the mission. Travel up or right to reach the cave where the secret room was entered.

Glitch: Fall through level:
Play the level where you fight the Phantom/Spyder for the first time. Before you fight the Spyder, you will have a fight with a group of monsters on that level. While in the middle of a fight, go to the center of the level, where there a big light and a hole in the ground. Go near it and stay there until a monster attacks you, then slash it. Then, go as far up to the hole as you can until you cannot go in. By this time, you are being hit by a monster and getting pushed up against an invisible wall in the middle. Use the shotgun at the first enemy you see. You will fall through a "leak" in the level. You will keep falling in black until the game is reset.